Creating Your Family’s “Why” Statement
What do you do when friends or family don’t agree with you “prepping?”
Maybe they think it is a waste of money. Why buy more food now when you are on a tight budget and you can just wait until the next grocery trip? And why would you bother finding alternative shops or sources for day-to-day supplies when the big box store down the road has it all?
Or maybe they get triggered (because they aren’t prepared) and respond by accusing you of fear mongering. And God forbid you promote a product or service that can help on someone’s prepping journey… you are just “profiting off of fear.”
I’ve been accused of all these things. It hasn’t changed my resolve. And honestly, I can’t even call myself a “hardcore” survivalist (at least not yet, ha!) Part of starting this blog was to hold myself accountable to keep growing in this area too!

My Response
It’s not easy at first, but the key is to rise above the negativity. I made a TikTok video about it. (Don’t judge my TikTok attempts, I still don’t know what I’m doing, ha!)
Knowing your “why” for prepping is critical! Become centered in your values and don’t let nosy critics discourage you.
You don’t need to defend or justify your choices. If current world events haven’t convinced them yet, you aren’t going to!
You don’t even need to respond to critics. Or just keep your response brief but kind. Here is an example you are free to use:
“It’s okay that we don’t see things the same. There are just too many things happening in the world right now for me to feel comfortable solely relying on grocery stores staying in stock. Knowing my family is ready for a variety of circumstances is important to me.”
Love Not Fear
The opposite of fear is not bravery. Bravery is something you have in the face of fear. The opposite of fear really is love, because being in fear pushes your brain into self-preservation mode. It doesn’t leave room for you to put other people before yourself.
I get inspiration from Scripture, and one Bible verse that has really stood out me to is 1 Timothy 1:7:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment” (CSB).
I don’t prep out of fear… even though it would be really easy to fall into fear and anxiety right now! When we build up a storehouse of food and supplies at home, when we learn skills like gardening and first aid so we can be more self-sustaining, when we teach our children these values… that is not driven by fear!
It’s done so we have more personal power over our lives.
It’s done so that we can remain mentally healthy and be ready to make good judgment calls, instead of scrambling in panic when stuff happens!
And ultimately, it’s done out of love. First of all, love for my own family and our wellbeing. But also out of love for my community and for the people who either financially can’t or just won’t build up a supply in advance. Because then when supplies get low and there is a run on the stores, we’re one less family they have to compete with for supplies.
Making sure I already have what I need to meet my family’s needs means that in an emergency, other families can grab those last remaining supplies from the big box stores and grocers instead.
Write Down Your “Why”
Have you thought about your “Why?” What’s your family’s reason for prepping? Write down your “why statement” and post it somewhere you can see it. It will help you stay motivated even when others are critical or misunderstand your motivations.
Tips for Creating a “Why” Statement:
- Start by writing down key words or phrases that are meaningful to you.
- Are there any special quotes or scriptures you want to include?
- Think about what you DON’T want to see happen (this may be sources of anxiety for you), but then reverse it – what DO you want to see happen during any sort of emergency? Then focus on that for your statement.
- Don’t overthink it! You can always tweak it later.
This is my attempt:

Stay Motivated
Please share your “why” with us in the comments below! Another way to stay motivated is by talking with others with similar goals. Come share your “why” and hang out with us in the Suburban Prepper Moms Facebook Group!
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